Welcome Back to School

Welcome to a new year of Grade 7/8 learning at BSLS.  I am looking very forward to a positive and productive year as your child’s homeroom teacher.  Even as we leave behind the sometimes-carefree days of summer, I hope that you and your child are also as excited as I am for the school year ahead!

A Strong Start
You are the expert on your child, and I would appreciate your help with the completion of a parent “homework” assignment.  I have taught some of your children or his/her siblings before, but they have had many experiences since then, so for parents “new” and “old”, I would appreciate if you could write me a one page letter that tells me more about your child.  You may wish to include a brief biography, his/her strengths, challenges, significant school experiences, fears, or special abilities.  You may also wish to include your hopes for your child’s education this year, and your expectations of me and of the school.  All information will be kept confidential.  It may be sent in a sealed envelope, or emailed to lbutterfield@bsls.ca  by Friday, September 15th.  Thank you in advance!  I look forward to reading your letters, and can discuss any concerns in private meetings set after the first student-led conferences (or earlier by arrangement).

·         Organization and learning how to budget time is vital for student success at the middle school level. It is also a crucial part of preparing for the independence and increased academic expectations of high school. Therefore, students are required to have their planners with them at school every day.  Students are responsible to copy into their planners their responsibilities for the following class day.   Student responsibilities could be: homework or important reminders such as assessment dates, meetings, or materials for a project.  

·         Periodically, I will check to ensure students have followed directions with filling out their planners.  Students who have their planners filled out correctly when checked will earn prizes as part of the PAX games that our class will be using to maximize learning, self-regulation, and enjoyment of our school day.  Students who don’t have their planners filled out will meet with me during lunch hour to support an increase in their success.

·         Please check your child’s planner and completed homework each evening, to congratulate your child on their efforts to prepare, and to support their efforts to face challenges as they arise.  The goals of homework are practice and discovery.  If your child is facing challenges, please encourage him/her to email  the teacher of the course, and we can set aside time to work together in or out of class, as necessary and effective.

·         I may sometimes use the planner as one means to communicate with home. Please initial any notes, and respond if needed.  (There is no need to initial daily, only if there is a note).  Most of our personal communication will be through email or in person after school, however, and agenda notes are most likely to be  related only to your child's agenda.  I always welcome your questions or concerns through any of the methods below.

I will regularly check my email (lbutterfield@bsls.ca) during my work period and at the end of the school day (3:15 – 4:00 p.m.).  If you have matters of an urgent nature related to any of your child’ classes, or absences, please copy your message to the school office (admin@bsls.ca) or call the main office line at (204)984-9600 x.5. We can also arrange to meet for private discussion after school if that is determined to be required.  While we all have busy schedules, I enjoy talking about my students as much as you enjoy talking about your children, so can always make time for those appointments!

I will also update our class blog regularly – most Fridays – and parents may find it helpful to bookmark it and the school calendar to facilitate conversation and schedule planning.

Please find in your home visit package: a copy of the BSLS Academic Calendar (with Shops days highlighted), the Human Ecology and Industrial Arts and Technology (Shops) schedule, a teacher and administration contact list, and a back-up supply list.

Important Start Dates
Mon., Aug. 28 – Fri., Sept. 1           Staff Meetings, PD, Home & School Visit Scheduling
Wed., Sept. 6                                  First Day of Classes at BSLS 
Mon., Sept. 11                                First Day of Shops at Nelson McIntyre*

*Students will be accompanied to Nelson McIntyre by a BSLS staff person on their first walk of the year from BSLS to and from Nelson McIntyre.  Our Grade 8s are familiar with the routines, and are counted on to mentor the Grade 7s for whom this is a new experience.

Have a tremendous summer's end!
Warmest wishes,
Mrs. Lorianne Butterfield
Grade 7/8 Homeroom & Learning Resource Teacher


Quick reference contacts:

BSLS School Office   Mrs. Madden    (204)984-9600 x.5                 admin@bsls.ca
Mrs. Lorianne Butterfield (ELA, Science, Religion)                     lbutterfield@bsls.ca
Ms. Lorelee Bishop (Math)                                                              lbishop@bsls.ca
Mr. Blaine Badiuk (Music)                                                              bbadiuk@bsls.ca
Mme Darcie Christensen (French)                                           dchristensen@bsls.ca
Mrs. Jenn McCrea                                                                         principal@bsls.ca
Mrs. Cheryl Van Dale (BASC)                                                        childcare@bsls.ca
Mrs. Jennifer Whitney (Social Studies)                                           jwhitney@bsls.ca
Mr. Rob Wozney (Phys. Ed.)                                                           rwozney@bsls.ca

Nelson McIntyre Collegiate Office (204)237-0219

BSLS Coming Events Calendar                              http://bsls.ca/calendar-of-events-2/

Class Blog 


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