Systems of the Human Body and Links for Learning

A hearty thank you for Sandra Gibb, Grade 7/8 parent and member of the open-heart surgical team at St. Boniface Hospital, for her clear, informative lecture on the cardiovascular system. It was thorough, engaging and interactive.  (The donuts were a delightful conclusion, too!).

The students are now studying the body systems through their online logins to .  After a short in-class introduction, the students were assigned readings on The Body Systems, and completion of the comprehension quiz at the end of the online book.

We are looking forward to presentations next week from Dr. Lorraine (Yau) Woo on more advanced cellular biology than we have undertaken to date.  We also anticipate a presentation on the respiratory system from Bill Gibb, Cardiac Perfusionist.  We are blessed by the expertise and teaching ability of our BSLS parents!

In ELA the students are working toward a month-end submission of another creative writing project of two-pages (double-spaced and typed).  The students also have access at home and at school to our Spellodrome ( subscriptions and are encouraged to use parent-allowed online screen time for fun and educational games that further their skills.  The students also learned the correct formatting and tone of a friendly letter written from a book characters point of view, and will be practicing business and e-mail formatting, and responses to our ongoing novel study.

During the morning classes, the students earned 200 PAX minutes during PAX games over the past month, and as a result have earned a class party - democratic decision-making set the goal of a pyjama party (showcasing some of those made in the last Shops block by the grade 8s, or the gym bags made by the grade 7s, perhaps?).  Well done, students!

Please find here a link to an inspirational video featured in morning devotions by one of our students.  The students will be taking turns leading their class in a favourite Bible verse, sharing his/her thoughts or pre-selected topic/video/devotion, and leading a discussion or written response with their peers.  This video rendered most of the students speechless, and inspired.  Thank you to the student, parent, and Mrs. Andrushko for this beautiful project.

Here's to our students' bright futures!  May they overcome every time in life that they are underestimated!
God bless,
Mrs. Butterfield


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